
Farewell by Andrea Kostyal

16x20x1.5 Mixed Media Acrylic and Oil Painting

Inspired by Gustav Mahler’s renowned masterpiece, Das Lied von der Erde (The Song of the Earth). The final poem of the work explores themes of solitude, longing, and the transient and brief nature of human existence. It reflects on the beauty and serenity of the natural world, while also contemplating the emotional and philosophical dimensions of our own life’s journey – we occupy this world only briefly, while the earth continues on…

The painting is a street scene of Graben Street of Vienna with the view of The Hofburg Palace. In this painting, beautiful architecture shows permanent man-made structures where nature overcomes human existence. The artist represents that through moss and vines that run up on the buildings.

FestivalSouth, the largest project of the Hattiesburg Concert Association (HCA), is an annual, multi-week festival presenting a variety of musical and other arts-related entertainment that aims to transcend social, cultural, and economic lines. FestivalSouth is a multi-disciplinary arts celebration that primarily features exceptional performing and visual artists during the month of June in Hattiesburg, MS.

Check Out the FestivalSouth 2022 Gallery